Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Sound of Silence

When I was younger, I used to write songs about Desert Storm. I randomly woke up this morning with the tune of one of said songs stuck in my head. I only remember this particular one and it's when the war was over and everyone got to come home.
They're coming home, they're coming home.
I miss them, but the war is done. 
I remember being so terrified during that time that my parents were going to have to leave us and go take care of all of the wounded soldiers because they were nurses. I had a very serious conversation with my Dad once, asking him if he was going to war? He replied that he wasn't going anywhere but if they needed him and asked him to go help out, he would.
At the time, I didn't understand the concept of being a hero, not that type of hero anyway. I just wanted my Daddy to stay with me and be safe; I wanted him to remain my hero and only mine.
Who knew that a 9 year old could harbor such anxiety and morbidity?
Needless to say, I was relieved when the war was over so I wrote the song above, feeling that it's lyrics would make this new-found security permanent and keep everyone safe from the cruelties of war.
I didn't understand how easily wars were started and that for some, they never truly end.
A couple of years later, I went to Washington D.C. for the first time. I was in 8th grade and so excited to be visiting such an historical place. I saw homelessness and dirty streets among the towering Government buildings. One particular image of a homeless man in a wheel chair has never left my memory. Both of his legs were missing from the knee down and he sat outside against the building of The Hard Rock Cafe, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. He was freezing and I willed him to look me in the eye, hoping with all of my teenage heart that he could feel my empathy passing through him. He never looked up and it was a harsh lesson to learn, that sometimes pretending to understand didn't make it any better. In fact, it did nothing at all. I stood there staring at him for as long as I could until I finally had to walk away to join my peers. For months, every night before I went to bed, I saw his face before I fell asleep. I can still see him so clearly and I can't help but wonder what became of him.
The first time I saw the names etched on the Vietnam Wall Memorial, I froze and shed tears for the thousands of strangers and their families. I still shed tears for them and the famous memorial continues to haunt me with it's pencil-thin lines etched into human lives with nothing to show for except flowers, tears and so many untold stories.
Sometimes the truth sounds bitter, but it doesn't make it any less true.
I have never known that kind of loss and selfishly, I stood there hoping I never would.
After everything I saw and experienced,I left a little less innocent and feeling a little more wounded. There was so much of the 'real world' that I wasn't prepared to see. It wasn't until this trip that I realized there are people out there who are truly in need and have no where to go at night, no where to keep warm.
When I was in high school, I received a phone call from an army recruit, asking me if I would consider joining. I answered with 4 simple words, 'It's not for me.' I could feel his defense through the lines of the telephone, asking me 'Well, what is for you then?' I remained silent because I didn't have an answer.
I was 15 at the time and I still don't have an answer 18 years later....a whole lifetime ago, an age that some never reached and whose names are on that wall.
When I'm left alone in the silence, with nothing to listen to but my own thoughts, I'm reminded of those who are less fortunate and never had the chance or the choice to follow their own dreams.
Freedom isn't free.
I'm thinking of them today, wishing and hoping that there is something truly special after this life is over. Something more than emptiness.
Something louder than the silence that haunts us all at night.
Something more meaningful than a ghost of a memory.

'And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.'

The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel

Sunday, November 9, 2014

10,000 Words and Counting...

So, this is how I feel this morning, wanting to scream into a pillow because I am having extreme writer's block and feel as though my novel should at this point, just be torn into tiny little pieces and flushed down the toilet so that I can start anew.
There.I said it.
But I'm really starting to like my two main characters and the relationship that they are creating with one another so I don't want to give up on them or their progress quite yet. 
I'm working with time shifts and keep coming up short handed, not sure how to portray how time has passed and what occurred between the years of the big event that I want to occur but can't be given away too soon in the story line.
Yesterday I loved every single one of my characters but I fear one or more of them might have to disappear because I'm not sure how much development I can give each one of them to make them likable and, more so, relevant to the story.
There is death and humor and underlying insanity all combined...
Sounds fantastic, right?!
Perhaps I have asked too much of my characters and they are simply sinking under the pressure of having to portray  any one of these attributes at any given moment that I may ask them to. They seem angry with me and unwilling to cooperate. Perhaps I should ask them out for a cup of coffee so that we can discuss what is expected of them and come out with some sort of compromise in the end.
Maybe I'm the one going insane.
OK. Vent is over and my head is a teensy bit more clear. Speak to me Lizzy Reynolds. What do you want out of this short 50,000+ word life? I'm listening.
All you have to do is speak up.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Interview

So, I went to an interview at a medical office last night and it took years off my life.
It lasted a whole hour and 3 different people came in asking pretty much the same questions over and over again in different ways.
I felt sort of like a prostitute, trying to sale myself and my skills. It left me feeling dirty and weak and unworthy.
I mean, how does one answer such questions as 'What are your 2 greatest accomplishments in life?' and 'Can you name an experience  in the past year that was difficult for you and how did you handle it?'
My mind went completely blank and I was brought back to the time I had to take a public speaking class, focusing on not saying the word 'um' (though I know it escaped my lips more than once...I also, within the hour that I was there, began to use the phrase 'for sure'...what? Am I a surfer girl now?)
The whole experience left me feeling completely drained. I don't even remember over half of my answers. And the questions just made me question my existence and worth in this place. What have I accomplished in this life? What extra effort have I set forth to make another human being feel better about themselves? What makes me special in any way shape or form?
 Living in a small town, I don't have many options when it comes to work. I basically have to know somebody, work somewhere in the medical field or in tourism. (Not to mention be OK with making very little money in a profession that doesn't make me feel like I have a purpose.). I'm not saying it would be better or easier anywhere else, but it's making living here that much harder to enjoy.
And that sucks.
Because it's my home, for now anyway, and a place I used to be so in love with.
Now, I just feel bitter and enraged at the lack of opportunity it presents for me.
So many times I've gotten in the car, wanting to take only the clothes on my back and drive...just drive to the next accepting city or state and give it a try.
My inability to settle is unsettling.
I'm stuck at another crossroads, another 'road not taken', uncertain which path to follow.
I know what my heart is telling me  to do, but the consequences could be that much more drastic and I'm not sure I can emotionally handle that right now, nor do I want to cause or be any burden to anyone else.
I've wasted so much time not doing the things I love that I've forgotten what it is that truly makes me tick as a person, as an individual.
I feel like everything is a test and I'm failing miserably.
An ongoing interview that I can't escape from...

Monday, November 3, 2014


Last Kiss

It's been 15 years since she stepped foot back into her small town of Asheville, NC. Running away from the moment she left high school, she is faced with the reality that the past never fully goes away. The memories still haunt her with each footstep she takes and the illness of her Mother is the only thing that keeps her from running away again. She has kept so many secrets to herself for so long. Death and the dying seem to follow her no matter where she goes. Perhaps, it is time to let the world know who Lizzy Reynolds really is.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Character Development

Who are you? We've met briefly but I have yet to understand your purpose.You have a slight depth, creeping out slowly in the sentences formed at random. Your consistency is bland and not yet well put together. But with this in mind, I find this makes you human. You're likable. At least I like you so far. And I can relate to the trials and tribulations you have already conquered and look forward to the ones that have yet to come out onto the page for all to see.
You are still a stranger, like an onion, unfolding her layers one by one, not quite letting me get to the core of your existence.
Why did you leave?
Why do you come back?
Who are the people who have come and gone in your life?
What gives you motive to keep on living?
What makes your story one that aches to be read?
These are only a few of the questions I have for you.
I'm here waiting for you to answer through my mind. For it is you and only you who can speak to me and allow me to unfold the story you have to tell.
You have a clean slate and no one holding you back. You can be whomever you wish to be. That's what makes this process so beautiful.
Speak to me and I promise I won't fail you, writing you as you wish to be written and allowing you to take complete control over my words.
You just have to let me in.

Rainbow Connection

It's official. I have started writing a novel.
So far, it's only three short chapters of nothing but random and 1874 words, but it's a start.
I want to start off by saying that I have woken up every morning since writing my last two blog entries, wanting to apologize for the lines written in a slue of self pity. The truth is, I'm not really sorry. (I'm not even sorry for just enjoying a white chocolate mocha with a butterfinger cookie for there!) Maybe that makes me a bad person? Who knows. All I can say is that I apologize for everything, including how I feel about any given thing and I think that has somehow turned into me taking responsibility for things and circumstances that I have no control over.
I can't solve and/or fix every little problem that comes my way. As much as I would like to, and I will never stop trying, but I feel like it's my turn to stop and try to figure out what I want and need out of this life. I stayed in a position for 10 years because I was scared of the insecurities that would come along with leaving the job. I didn't want to disappoint anyone nor did I want to start over.
But now I have and I've gone through every emotion I imagine possible. I've worried what everyone would think of me. I've worried about money and helping provide. I've worried about not having a purpose. I've worried about having to decide on something quickly, only to be put in the same situation once again for another 10 years.
What happened to the adults that told you to follow your dreams when you were a child? Why do they seem to disappear when you've suddenly become an adult yourself?
Ironically, the truth that I have found in these last few weeks, is that I'm fine.I have a crazy wonderful support system and nothing else matters. Life goes on and it's my turn to take on some challenges of my own. I can't be held back by my demons masked as insecurities, blaming others for ideas and thoughts that they most likely don't even think. And if they do, who cares? It doesn't affect them in any way shape or form. I've been preaching in my mind for so long to simply live my life and to not let everyone else control it, it's time that I start listening.
So I've started writing a novel. Perhaps it will be a work of greatness. Perhaps it won't. The point is, I've started.
And for now, that's enough for me.

 'I've heard it too many times to ignore it
It's something that I'm supposed to be
Some day we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me'

Rainbow Connection- Kermit the Frog