Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Am Not A Pretty Girl

The first time I heard the lyrics to Ani Difranco's "I Am Not A Pretty Girl", I remember thinking to myself, damn, that's me. It in no way contributes to my history of having a low self esteem. It in fact, has the very opposite affect.
If you have never heard it, and have even a smidgen of feminist pride/stubbornness in your body, I highly recommend downloading it from iTunes ASAP. If you don't want to buy it, at least take the time to read the lyrics here:
I have often struggled with being the odd girl in the room. However in being so, I have always blended in the background, merely invisible. I actually prefer this. It makes me feel as though I'm a character in a Harry Potter book, wearing my invisibility cloak so as to be able to meander and observe my surroundings without the bother of someone else stopping to notice me.
My husband would disagree that I harbor the trait of being invisible, but he's biased so his opinion doesn't count.
I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. Throw me a pair of converse over heels any day. I never learned how to really apply make-up, so when I do actually wear it, I struggle with whether or not I'm doing it correctly. I don't know my true bra fact, I often go without one, just because I can.
Growing up, and even now, I was much more comfortable around boys than girls because boys never challenged me in a way that hurt my self esteem; until I got older and one after another, they stood in line to break my heart over and over again. This being said, their genetic make-up is still much less cruel than that of a teenage girls'.
When boys did start taking notice, I was oblivious to the fact. Once it was brought to my attention, I would become obsessed with said boy just because he took the time out of his day to tell someone else he thought I was pretty. 
Obsession apparently draws the boys away instead of towards you.
Suddenly, I felt as though I couldn't fit in anywhere, even with the friends I grew up with. I took every comment to heart, only hearing the negatives, "you're ugly, you're chubby, you're're too sensitive". I heard it all....and I still hear their words on days that I'm struggling with my overall outward appearance.
The truth is, I am not a pretty girl. "That is not what I do". And no matter how much words said have hurt my feelings, they haven't been able to stop me from being who I am; dressing how I want and simply blending into the crowd. I have never wanted to be rescued or saved. Every girl has moments when they want their prince charming to stand with a boom box outside of her window and call out her name. I'm not denying the fact that I too fantasized of this at one time.
The fact is that I'm too stubborn to accept such hospitality.
"I am not a kitten, stuck up in a tree somewhere."
Over the years, one might say I became slightly jaded when a boy actually noticed me. I chalked it up to him somehow having some secret agenda, wanting to break me and my battered heart in any moment of weakness. I was never able to accept the concept that instead of me always breaking my neck to try to help a guy to "become the very best person he could be", that he might indeed be trying to do the same thing for me.
But it was never about me. It was always about them and how they were feeling. I spent so much of my time trying to fix everything that was wrong that I didn't even realize until almost too late that I was slightly broken myself. I became so frustrated in my lack of results in trying to help. No one ever listened to what I had to say because I was honest with them and said what needed to be said.
"I am not an angry girl. But it seems, I've got everyone fooled. Every time they find something that's hard to hear, they chalk it up to my anger and never to their own fear."
It was no one's fault but my own.
In all honesty, before Andrew, I never felt the balance of two people simply being there for one another no matter how they are feeling. Before Andrew, I was always the "strong one", having to hold  both myself and the other person up during the hard times. I didn't realize that a relationship should be based on equality and each person being there for the other in every time of need, even if that meant giving up some of yourself to make ends meet.
I gave up so much of myself that I lost my identity.
I lost me.
The truth of the matter is I always strayed towards the slightly "broken" individuals, wanting so desperately to change them for the better; craving that sense of accomplishment in helping someone through a rough time and making a difference.
I never thought twice that I was the one looking for "damsels in distress" so to speak.
It was exhausting.
And suddenly, I did want to be the prettiest girl in the room, just once. It just seemed easier.
But that's not who I am. I'm the girl who shows up to work with no make-up and wet hair thrown up in a bun. I feel awkward when I dress up; almost like I'm at a costume party and no one else decided to participate. I have my own sense of style that is unique and I'm happy with that.
But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have moments when I wish I were more like everyone else or even like the girl who just stands out from the rest or turns a head or two when she walks by.
In the long run, I prefer to be the outsider. That's who I am and I can't deny this fact. At least now, I am able to find some comfort in being the person I have become and strive to be, not trying to pretend to be someone or something I'm not. I think we all possess the  ability to save our own skins. Sure, we might have some help along the way, but it's ourselves that decide to stay a certain way because we want to or to change because we feel we have to.
I never wanted to be saved. I never felt the need to be saved even in my darkest times.
I taught myself a lesson in that most of us feel this way. As much as I wanted or felt the need to help any given individual, the truth is, if he didn't want to be helped in the first place, I was really just wasting my time. I don't necessarily see this as a defeat, though at times it does feel that way. I guess it's a good thing that I realized before it was too late that should the situation(s) have been reversed, none of these people that I tried to "save" would have done the same for me. In knowing that, it's much easier to let go and to accept that I was never meant to save them anyway.

"And what if there are no damsels in distress. What if I knew that and I called your bluff. Don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down, whether or not you ever show up?"
-Ani Difranco

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekly Gratitude Update: 8/27/12-9/16/2012

Wow! I am such a slacker!
I haven't written a weekly gratitude update in 2 weeks! (Or is it 3?)...
This is how behind I am. I don't even know how long it's been. This being said, it in no way means that I am any less grateful. I've just been lazy and having a hard time getting all of my thoughts together.
I'm lost in one of the many moments in my life where my thoughts are so scrambled, roaming from one topic to the other with no common boundary between them.
I am Lorelai Gilmore.
Just to give you an idea, here is an actual rambling thought moment of Mary Will:
Now I'm thinking of monkey monkey underpants because I thought of Lorelai Gilmore, and now I'm wondering if I should use punctuation within the ramblings of this blurb. I'm thinking it doesn't really matter because my brain doesn't really speak in sentences, just long run-ons about what I need to be doing, or hope to accomplish today or this week or this month. We should really order our wedding album. It's been over 2 years and I'd like to have something concrete to show off because we love pictures so much. Oh my goodness, we have so many pictures. I should make albums of everything. Why are the cats meowing? It's only 9:30 and they don't get fed until 11...or is it 10? I forget since I'm not usually home during this time of day and Andrew takes care of them in the mornings. Awe. Andrew. He's so awesome. I love that he can now work from home and look after the pets. I wish I could work from home and write all day. I guess that's the goal in writing this book...of which I haven't really worked on in weeks. I should really be working on my book. I looked through several old writings of mine the other day and am currently trying to incorporate them somehow within the chapters of my memoir. Why do I smell cat pee? Did someone pee on the couch again? Mmmm. Muffins. I would love a cranberry orange muffin from Pannera (Does Panera have 2 'n's or 1?) and a pumpkin spiced late from Starbucks. I used to never drink Starbucks because of the whole big corporations thing. But when so many closed down and so many people lost their jobs, I felt bad for them and the only way I could think of showing my support is via drinking an occasional coffee from the remaining establishments. I wish I could still eat marshmallows. Damn gelatin. It's so sad. I used to live off of marshmallows, bagels and Twizzlers when I was in college. This of course was when I was anorexic and would work out in front of a mirror, noting each and everyone of my flaws, making a mental list of everything I would love to change about myself. Those were dark times Harry, dark times. Awe. Harry Potter. I could watch any one of those movies every single day for the rest of my life and still want more. It's such a great story. Ohhhh! We have a new Doctor Who episode DVR'd! I can't wait to watch it! Dinosaurs on a spaceship! That was last week. Hee hee. Matt Smith makes me chuckle. Seriously Dip, how can you be hungry? You'd think that we starve you guys. I love fall. We have been keeping the door open to our screened in porch and the subtle breeze coming through this particular morning is very refreshing, which reminds me, my feet are cold and I should probably put some socks on and do some laundry......

Welcome to my world. It's a scary, yet fun, place to live in....

Now for what I'm grateful for the past 2 (or 3?) weeks:

1) We went on our yearly beach trip the weekend of labor day. Lots of fun was had with the family. Favorite moments of the trip: Driving and listening to good tunes with Andrew, Dropping off Leira at his parent's house and getting to see our nephew Thomas, Peach Margarita at the Mexican restaurant we always eat at, the meal at the Mexican restaurant, sitting by the pool, finishing my book, walking on the beach, great conversation with everyone, playing games, watching Fresh Prince of Bel air.... (Just to name a few:)

2) On the way back from the beach, we stopped by my old work and I got to see a lot of my old co-workers. I felt very loved and missed and grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful group of people.

3) My 10 day work stretch went by very fast this time. I've been trying to keep in mind all of the positives in my life and it has helped when the going gets tough.

4) I have gotten a few compliments from clients at work. This always makes for a good day.

5) Apple festival in Hendersonville. I always forget how big Hendersonville is. I mean, it's not New York obviously, but it's always a lot bigger and more maintained than I think it's going to be. It was a very cute festival outside of the random, creepy clown walking around.

6) Fall is almost here!!! I LOVE this time of year! Great weather, beautiful scenery, fantastic t.v. shows, snugly blankets, outside fires, colorful leaves, warm drinks, Halloween, pumpkin spice, beginning of Hoiday fun...I could go on and on and on.

7) Andrew and I stayed up until 2:30 the other morning talking about everything from Religion to childhood memories. We listened to several Pandora stations and found one with old show tunes from musicals and Disney movies we both grew up listening to and watching. We danced around and sang dramatically to one another, acting silly and just being ourselves. I'm so lucky to have married my best friend.

8) I have come up with several crafty-like projects that I'm hoping to accomplish by the end of the year. I usually get discouraged and try to do too much at once, finally relinquishing whatever small effort I've made towards said project. I'm determined to stick with it though and to somehow get something artistic and creative out of it. We'll see.

9) The pets have been extra snugly and clingy with the oncoming cooler weather. I have woken up several mornings with at least 4-5 of our 6 pets strategically placed around me and Andrew.

10) We're planning to have lots of people come visit in the coming months and I'm so looking forward to seeing and spending time with everyone. I just love this time of year, filled with family and friends. I am so very fortunate for everyone and everything in my life. Thank you all for making it that much greater.

Love, hugs and peace.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Hunger Games

Sobes dropped from a parachute before entering the games.

                                             "Look! I have Katniss Everdeen hair!"

                           Peeta pays tribute to District 12 with a smile on his face and a plan up his sleeve.

                                              The tributes from district 1 have been spotted
                                                       "Er. They would totally kick our asses."

                                  Peeta takes time to pick up a Mocking Jay feather in honor of Rue.


                                   No time to remorse, the tracker jackers are after Katniss! "Oh no!"

"Seriously Peeta, I just got stung and have no motor skills and all you can do is stand there and enjoy this beautiful view!?!?"

"It is rather lovely. Too bad I can't keep my balance in order for you to take a decent picture of me."

"Oh no! Peeta's deeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"

 "No he's not! There he is! Paying tribute again. He's so damn honorable."

"Look over there More tributes."
                                         "Should we shoot them?" (Wait...that's Burn Notice...)


                                                               "You call that a kiss?!?!"

                                                                               "That's better!"

                                                                              "Yay! We won!"

"Happy hunger games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"
Effie Trinket






Bowties Have Always Been Cool

You never forget your first Doctor.

Mine was Tom Baker. I remember so vividly laughing hysterically each time his 6 foot scarf would get caught in the doors of the tardis as it began to disappear making its warooo waroo sound.
Perhaps I lost you at Tom Baker.
Let me back track a bit.
Most kids my age; that is those who spent ages 0-9 in the 80’s, spent their Saturday mornings watching cartoons. Don’t get me wrong, I had my share of Punky Brewster, Mr. Rogers and My Little Pony episodes, but my brother and I grew up mainly to the viewings of old science fiction movies, Rogers and Hammerstein musicals, (I had every song from The Sound of Music memorized by age 6), old Hammer Horror films and one of my all time personal favorites, Doctor Who.
I was too young to really take in the stories of each episode but what I do remember most is sitting on the couch between my brother and my daddy, awaiting the classic music that marked the beginning of a new episode.
My dad video taped every episode that aired, old and new. This was before the time of dvd, dvr, blueray, ect. Back then, we had what were called VCRs and my dad would meticulously cut the commercials, magically knowing when the show was going to break. This was a rare talent indeed and something my brother Pat and I have always admired in him.
He worked nights so he would sleep during the day. Pat and I would often sneak into his comic book closet full of hidden treasures, knowing where he hid the key and that he easily slept through anything. (We soon learned that this was also a good time to ask him for anything. 9 times out of 10, he would say yes in his sleepless stupor.)
Among his painted monster figurines, comics and novels was a shelf designated only for Doctor Who tapes, all in chronological order. We would select a small few and spend the entire day watching episode after episode while building forts out of couch cushions and rolling around on the floor with the left over popcorn kernels from our afternoon snacks.
We then would re-create the scenes via running around outside, building fake bombs that we had only mere seconds to get away from before them blowing us to pieces. I was always the doctor’s companion (Ace was my favorite) and Pat would reluctantly play the Doctor. (He always wanted to be the evil/crazy timelord villain, The Master, but I would beg him not to because he scared me with his maniacal laughing.)
Maniacal laugh. Maniacal laugh.  
We would always be on a mission and “find” the bomb hidden in a secret tomb (our garage). The makings of it consisted of an old battery sitting on a chair from my play kitchen table and chairs set. Ironically, the bomb would detonate the moment we stepped into the garage, I mean tomb, and we would then have only 30 seconds to run from there to the hill at the end of our yard. We would dramatically run in slow motion, me singing at the top of my lungs “The hills are alive with the sound of music”. (I was dramatic, even as a small 6 year old...) We would then roll down the hill in a fit of giggles, ignoring all of the scrapes and bruises that were slowly forming on our skinny arms and legs.
We also had lasers.
These were the blue and orange elongated wheels off of one of Pat’s old toy trucks.
Lasers are cool. Never doubt the validity in that.
One could never deny our since of imagination inspired by new worlds, future settings, and dalek invasions. One minute we could be sitting in our living room in 1987, the next we were stuck in another dimension, trying to avoid catastrophe.
These are some of my fondest memories.
Thank you  Doctor Who for allowing my Daddy, brother and I to live along with you in your adventures. I know we will always remain being 3 of your most faithful companions who have followed you throughout the years.

"You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on, alone. That's the curse of the Timelords."