There were many.
I used to keep count of how many boys I had kissed. Then I stopped once it reached over 15 because it made me feel like a slut...or a player...or some other not so good term used when it comes to dating.
It didn't start until I was a freshmen in high school. My first boyfriend was a wonderful guy who treated me really well. Our "relationship" lasted from September 15th to April 4th. Not bad for him being my first boyfriend and all. Is it sad that I still remember the dates so well? He was my first kiss; my first "I love you", my first broken heart...of course I remember the tiny details.
When we broke up, I was devastated. I remember sitting out in the hallway outside of my parents bedroom, contemplating suicide. (Not really, but this was the most "depressed" I had ever been and I couldn't think of any reason at the time to keep on living. My Dad walked out into the hallway, took one look at me and simply proclaimed, "I wish I could tell you it all gets better from here, but I would be lying."
Why did both my parents always have to be so honest?
It turned out that it was the best thing he could have said to me in that very moment. That one statement gave me the strength to get off my ass and move on. Sure, I still moped around, listening to sad songs ("
What Might Have Been" and
"Just When I Needed You Most" were my two favorites...I still have a hard time listening to either.) And it could have been so much worse. I know this now. He was never mean to me and always treated me with respect and honesty. I have no animosity towards him and I think it might be possible he feels the same way about me. I was lucky.
Then, not so much. I traveled down a road of bad boyfriends, dating guys who weren't very nice but of whom I knew I could "change" or "fix" because I knew that they were "good people". What gave me the right to think that I could help anyone?
I couldn't even help myself.
And I think many of them knew this and took advantage of me. (Sadly, I hadn't come to that realization until now. )
One guy I dated several years back, I didn't even know his last name and I almost gave up my virginity to him because he told me he loved me. He didn't love me. I'm not sure if he even knew the meaning of love. I'm not sure I did either. It was when I lived in Florida...and I knew he also had a girlfriend back home. I'm not proud of this. In fact, I still feel so ashamed. Maybe I deserved the way he treated me in the end. I often wonder where he is now, not because I miss him, but because I would like to show him that I still turned out OK despite how he looked at me and treated me. He often used the stories I told him of ex-boyfriends and my low self-esteem to his advantage. He was an asshole, plain and simple. But I didn't think I deserved any better.
Maybe I was just too scared to actually search for anything real. I often found myself basing relationships on drama and sadness. After all, misery loves company right? For the most part, it's all I knew of love outside of the first puppy love that I had experienced when I was a freshmen in high school. So when it visited me again, a few months after I had returned from Florida, I thought "this is it" and got engaged to the guy only 2 months into our relationship.
Josh was never a bad guy. We had our occasional arguments but he was really too much of a teddy bear to ever really fight about anything, so I usually won the battle with my stubborn hard hardheadedness. He didn't even try to fight for me when I started to drift away from him, knowing that we both wanted different things in life. I wanted to travel and see the world. He wanted to stay home. still living with his parents, playing video games.
He didn't even try to fight for me. I wasn't worth the effort. And even though we eventually ended on good terms, I don't think I ever got over this. I was willing to spend the rest of my life with him, knowing I would never really get to do all of the things I wanted to do. I loved him so much that I was willing to give up so much of myself to be with him. He wasn't willing to do that for me and once I realized that, the hurt was too great to keep on trying.
I hit another bad patch after that. One bad boyfriend after another. One claiming he had to break up with me because he felt like God was disappointed with him for being with someone "like me". (What does that even mean? I never really figured that one out.) The next one, Brad was a manipulator who fooled everyone into feeling sorry for him, even when I figured it out before everyone else and left him for his best friend. (Sounds like a bad t.v. movie right?)
It gets worse.
James is a story within a story within a story. I still have a hard time going there with words so I will leave that for another day.
Poor Jason was the rebound from James...I don't think he even saw it coming. I didn't. So why would he have? I have since convinced myself that he always had a hidden agenda of his own. I don't think I will ever know if that was truly the case or if I was just so scared of getting hurt again that I had to find something wrong.
Josh revisited for a very short time after that. I was going through the whole "what if?" phase and was presented with a second chance at old love.
Sometimes you have to learn the same lesson more than once.
And then....
The choir sang and there was Andrew.
We all know the end to this story. And for those of you who don't, he is now my husband, whom, as my dear friend Gwynne has bluntly proclaimed:"
fattened [my] spark with a foot on [my] ass pushing [me] into the light". I couldn't have said it better myself.
So I won't even try.
And with that, here is a lyric from Aimee Mann. I dedicate it to all of the boyfriends from the past, some more than others...cause "that's just what you are..."
"Acting steady always ready to defend your fears
What's the matter with the truth, did I offend your ears
By suggesting that a change might be a thing to try
Like it would kill you just to try and be a nicer guy
It's not like you would lose some critical piece
If somehow you moved point A to point B
Maintaining there is no point changing 'cause
That's just what you are
That's just what you are"
Aimee Mann