Sunday, August 10, 2014

Que Sera Sera

It's a rainy kind of Sunday. The pets are fed and they're all taking their morning naps. The laundry is sorted and the first load into the wash. No plans, just an small idea of what the day is to bring.
It's my favorite kind of day.
We could get in the car and head west, close our eyes and pretend we're driving along the 101, listening to the West Coast greet us in good morning. We could adorn our raincoats and rain boots, take the Leira Dog for a walk or simply hike a short trail along the parkway. We could sit on our screened in porch, kitty in each of our laps, listening to the rain and the phenomenon that is Pandora, reading a good book or two. 
I could paint, possibly discovering that I have a gift in an art I never knew existed for me. I could hop on my bike and ride up and down the hills in our neighborhood, pretending to be a child again. I could head to the fresh market and buy arm loads of fresh bread and fruit.I could do yoga and breathe in the sent of the rain on this cloudy, beautiful day. I could build a fort with couch pillows and watch Classic Doctor Who episodes. I could drink tea and eat biscuits, dressed up like Mary or Sybil from Downton Abbey. I could make a pie.
I could write my Pulitzer Prize novel today.
Anything could happen. The newness and freshness of waking up without a plan of what to do can be so invigorating. Even though I know there are other things to be done. The house needs a good cleaning. The bills need to be sorted. The groceries need to be listed and bought. Leira dog needs to be bathed. The kitties need their nails trimmed and litterboxes freshly scooped. Our Disney trip coming up needs to be planned. We need toilet paper and razors, so a Target trip is in order.
But I choose to be in control of today. I will not let the burden of errands and responsibility cloud the happiness and childlike quality a day like today can bring. Too often, I let the confines of the world and how we're supposed to live our adult lives take over and prevent me from doing the things I love and enjoy. Too often, I let the guilt of not doing something productive get in the way of doing something fun. If we could all live like Mary Poppins, the world just might be a better place.
But it's so easy to get caught up in to do lists and life in general so we miss out on so many good opportunities. Perhaps, we even do this without realizing. They may be small and seemingly unimportant, but it truly is the small things that bring along the joy that we so often crave. Why is it so easy to put off the things we enjoy? Why can't we just take one day to put aside everything else and simply live?
I choose to be in control of this day. I choose to take a stand against the norm and live it out to it's fullest, doing whatever it is I feel like doing. 
So I'm excited for this new day and for the openness and surprise waiting around the corner. I feel goodness coming my way and I'm looking forward to taking in each moment with full acceptance and open arms.

'Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Que Sera, Sera' 

-Doris Day

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