Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Kind Of Protest

It's that time of year again when everyone's politics and beliefs get put on public display because no one knows how to keep their opinions to themselves.
I know we live in a free country where freedom of speech is a huge benefit, but sometimes I think this one right is taken advantage of more than any other. Since when was it ever OK to knock other people onto their asses because they don't believe in the same thing you do?
Since when was it OK to ridicule someone just because they are different?
We are so obsessed with our right to speak freely that sometimes we forget that who or what we are speaking against is a person. The hatred that ensues over political or even moral conversation is baffling.
I'll be honest. I hate this time of year because it brings out the worst in people. Not everyone is in tune with the emotional status of another person. Not everyone cares; in fact, I don't think most do. Most are too busy "being right". There comes a line between speaking your opinion to get a point across and intentionally hurting your opponent just to win a stupid debate.
In my book, this is not OK.
My family and I went to explore downtown Brevard this past weekend and came upon a silent protest. There were 4 older men and their dog, all standing with signs about peace and anti-war. They didn't speak to anyone who passed them by unless they spoke to them first. They were calm and let their signs do the talking. It reminded me of John and Yoko and their bed in's.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.
I am constantly paranoid that people are judging me for not speaking up. My shyness has often come across as snobbery when I don't think that has ever been the case. I am a true observer in that I take every piece of information in before I form my own opinion about something. And in doing so, I still respect everyone else involved regardless if they agree with me or not. I avoid confrontation because I get so tongue tied that I can never get out the ideas that are forming in my brain. I don't like to argue with anyone or to prove myself and my beliefs. I know how I feel and it's no one elses business but my own.  At times, this makes me look ignorant and perhaps I'm being judged for that as well.
Maybe I am too sensitive to everyone elses' feelings. Maybe I'm too sensitive myself. I posted a video on YouTube once. It was just a silly 20 second video with me and the stuffed rabbit Andrew and I always take with us on vacation. We thought it would be funny to post it with the title "Rabbit Attacks Girl". After awhile there were more dislikes than likes posted towards it and the comments got nastier and nastier, one being that I was a "troll girl".
My feelings were hurt by a person I didn't even know and I tried to understand why in the World someone would say such a terrible thing just because they didn't like something. It's just a video, if you don't like it, fine. But why go completely out of your way to intentionally make another person feel badly? I just don't get it. I deleted the video because I personally couldn't handle the criticism being thrown at me over something that was just supposed to be fun and silly and possibly make someone else laugh.
My point is this: Think before you speak. Is it really necessary to share how you feel if it's going to cause someone elses emotions harm? I know sometimes these conversations need to happen if the other person's actions are causing an issue in the workplace or social event, ect. But fiirst ask yourself, is it worth it for everyone involved? If not, just let it go. It's not that hard.  Life is too short to be bitter, judging every person, place and thing that you come into contact with.
To quote one of my favorite movies Bill and Ted,  "Be excellent to each other. And.... Party on dudes!"
You might just be surprised at how much better you feel focusing all of your energy on something positive.

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