Saturday, July 30, 2016

Joy Is Contagious

Good morning! Wow, it has been a really long time! So long, in fact, that it may or may not have taken me over an hour to figure out how to sign in and post to my own blog. (I will not confirm or deny whether or not this actually happened...)

Anyway. Yes. It's been awhile. Lots has happened since my last post. Life has happened, but isn't that the way the story always goes. We get caught up in everyday things and suddenly it's been almost two years since I've been able to find the time to share any of them.

I won't get into details. I only wish to welcome you back with open arms (with the hope that you're still here and willing to hear/read about all I have to say:). As always, thank you a thousand thank yous for hanging in there with me.

I would like to share with you a new idea that I have come across. It's not overtly original by any means but I want you all to become a part of it and contribute in what ever way that you can. It's called the "Joy is Contagious" campaign.  I am a huge believer that positive thinking goes a long way. It's so easy to get caught up in the sorrow and cruelty of the World. I'm not discounting the sadness by any means. I just feel that there is also joy to be shared.

So. Much. Joy!

I don't speak about or share my opinion when it comes to politics. It stresses me out too much and I find myself getting enveloped in peoples comments and opinions, trying to understand each and every side of the issue. It's exhausting being an empathetic individual and the stress is simply too much for me to handle on a daily basis. We're about to be completely bombarded by such issues, along with the rest of the going on's of the World, and I refuse to let such things bring me down. So, I choose joy.

What about you?

What brings you joy? There is no wrong answer...unless you're a serial killer...or psychopath...or..... OK. There are wrong answers but I think you get what I mean, right? Here are a few things on my list that bring me joy:

Andrew, Fall, Music, Working with Kiddos, Snuggles from my sweet pets, Dancing, Hugs, Smiles and friendly waves from strangers, Hanging out with friends and family, Jimmy Fallon, Playing guitar, singing at the top of my lungs to guilty pleasure songs on my way to work, puppies, kittens, cat videos, sloth videos, reading, writing, pictures, Audrey Hepburn...I could go on for days.

Here's what I would like for you to do should you choose to participate. Whenever you're feeling joy, post something about it on both your own and my Facebook page with #joyiscontagious. It can be a picture, a song, a quote. Be creative! If you are having a bad day or you're feeling sad, lonely or depressed, that's OK. We all have bouts of sadness and it seems there are only negative connotations when it comes to depression, feeling unhappy, or just having a crumby day. All I ask is that you try not to let it envelop you or define you. You deserve happiness. You deserve joy. My hope is that posts of joy will bring others joy, especially if someone is having a bad day and needs a pick me up. Joy is everywhere among the sadness.

Embrace it.

Life is too short not to.

I'm not saying don't recognize the issues and everything else going on in the World. I'm just asking that we don't let it consume us. We're all guilty of it but that doesn't give anyone the right to speak down to another person or make them feel like any less of a human being. We're all people and at the end of the day, we all have the same emotions. Perhaps our feelings and beliefs differ at times...of course they do, but we all deserve and, hopefully, feel joy.

I can't wait to see what you all have to share!

Peace, love and hugs.

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