Monday, May 28, 2012

Bucket List.

1. Attend a music festival for the entire week.
2. Travel all of Europe, one city at a time.
3. Actually finish this book and getting it published.
4. Visit every state in the U.S. (We're over halfway there!)
5. Read every single book I own.
6. Create a quilt design made entirely of all of my old "hippie" clothes.
7. Perform a gig in public...just once.
8. Sit in a small Paris Cafe' people watching.
9. Visit Audrey Hepburn's grave-site.
10. Meet (and possibly make out with) Christian Bale.
11. See all 7 Wonders of the World.
12. Work with Special Needs Children.
13. Teach a yoga class.
14. Attend a protest in Washington D.C.
15. Buy a house.
16. Plant and maintain an herb garden.
17. Make my own hand soaps and lotions.
18. Find my dream job.
19. Learn sign language.
20. Hike every trail on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
21. Meet the Muppets.
22. Write a play.
23. Interact one on one with a gorilla.
24. Swim with the dolphins.
25. Teach a child how to read.
26. Conquer my fear of the elderly.
27. Make history.
28. Learn how to play the banjo.
29. See all of the Rocky movies.
30. Become a professional photographer.
31. Visit where the original Woodstock took place.
32. Take Andrew to Disney World and Universal Studios.
33. Build something from scratch.
34. Create something wonderful.
35. Own a donkey...and name it "Moose".
36. Paint a picture.
37. See a play on Broadway.
38. Go to Strawberry Fields one year on December 8th.
39. Play and sing a song with my brother Pat.
40. Spend an entire day without worrying.
41. Watch all 8 Harry Potter movies in a day.
42. Complete a secret mission.
43. Put every picture we've taken in some kind of frame or photo album.
44. Pay off all of my bills.
45. Get all of the bird seed out of my car.
46. Attend the opera and ballet.
47. Dance in public without caring what other people think.
48. Sing karaoke.
49. Feed the hungry.
50. Live happily ever after. 


  1. Wonderful list. You're well on your way!

  2. 21. Meet the Muppets...(and possibly make out with them)
